Quattroemme Consulting is a consulting company in the ICT sector – Information Communication Technology specializing in the creation of software systems for the integrated management of data and business knowledge.
Digital Innovation encourages companies to find new organizational and business models to familiarize themselves with the working environment. In this continuous and rapid evolutionary scenario, caused by technological progress, particularly in the field of Information Management, new operational requirements arise.
Quattroemme Consulting has developed an innovative approach for the creation of collaborative environments, oriented around sharing information, aimed at enhancing company knowledge, among the intangible assets of companies, that is known as the Business Knowledge Management (BKM). The BKM envisages the creation of a reference architecture for the implementation of a data and knowledge infrastructure, which envisages the development and integration of tools to make organizations able to collect, store, process and transmit company data (big data) through secure systems by measuring their performance.
Our organization provides its customers with the following types of services:
• IT Consulting
• Design and implementation of application and architectural solutions
It is aimed at the market of medium-large companies; it is based in Rome and operates throughout the country.